
I started this blog to keep my friends and family up to date about what’s going on with me. I was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma, which is a highly curable cancer (more about this in a future post). I feel so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life who care so much about me. This blog is not intended to replace any live conversations with anyone, but rather a way for me to give you the status updates so our time can be spent talking at a more meaningful level. I recently received a call from a close friend that he heard the news about me and was hesitant to call me because he felt uncomfortable, but he just decided to do it anyway. I’m so glad he did because it really lifted my spirits. I’m hoping this blog will make people feel more a part of this journey with me and more comfortable engaging with me. The love and support I receive helps me every day, and I’m grateful for it.

Another reason I started this blog is because I found it so helpful to read whatever bits of information I could find from people who have gone through the cancer treatment. As Hodgkin Lymphoma is considered quite rare (about 8,000 cases per year) I’m hoping my posts might help someone down the road as they embark on this journey. Sometimes it’s helpful to know what might be around the corner, or some ideas for things that did or didn’t work when going through treatment, or just knowing you are not alone as you face your challenges and fears.

Please feel free to comment on my posts. It will be great to hear from you. If you prefer to send me a private message, you can do so here.